Title IV of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA) established the national Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Reclamation Program under the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE), U.S. Department of the Interior. The program was developed to reclaim land and water resources adversely affected by past coal mining and left abandoned or inadequately restored. SMCRA levied fees on active coal mining to pay the reclamation costs. Collected fees are deposited in the AML Fund. Once the national program had been established, Congress authorized states and tribes to implement their own programs. The programs are funded through grants from OSMRE, which receives funding from the AML Fund through the regular congressional budget and appropriations process.

As the programs developed, the states/tribes realized it would be beneficial to join together to accomplish common goals and objectives related to the reclamation of abandoned mine lands. Also, cooperation, coordination, and communication between the states/tribes and the federal government needed to be improved. In March 1983 the states/tribes met in St. Louis, Missouri, and organized an informal association.

The states and tribes voted to formalize the Association and by-laws were adopted January 27, 1993. The National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs was registered as a nonprofit corporation on January 4, 1995, in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

The mission of the Association is as follows:

  • To provide a forum to address current issues, discuss common problems, and share new technologies regarding the reclamation of abandoned mine lands.

  • To foster positive and productive relationships between the states and tribes represented by the Association and the federal government.

  • To serve as an effective, unified voice when presenting states/tribes common viewpoints.

  • To coordinate, cooperate, and communicate with the Interstate Mining Compact Commission, Western Interstate Energy Board, and all other organizations dedicated to the wise use and restoration of our natural resources.

Membership is open to any state or tribe; individual memberships are not offered. Voting is limited to one vote per member. Members that do not have OSMRE-funded reclamation activities within their geographic boundaries will be required to abstain from voting on OSMRE grant or SMCRA-related issues. The voting membership is comprised of 30 states and 3 tribes.

The officers of the Association are the president, vice president, and secretary/treasurer. The officers are elected by the members for a one-year term and are limited to two consecutive terms in the same office.

Each year a conference, with a business session and technical/administrative sessions, is held, generally in the early fall. It is hosted by a member state/tribe on a rotating basis. A two-day business meeting is usually held during the winter and is also hosted by a member state/tribe.

The goals and objectives of the Association are as follows:

  • To maintain adequate, stable, and predictable funding for state/tribal reclamation programs.

  • To monitor OSMRE administration of state and federal reclamation programs.

  • To act as a clearinghouse on congressional and other federal actions affecting state/tribal programs to maximize the educational awareness and knowledge base of each member.

  • To take an active leadership role in the development of program and new regulations that benefit the membership.

  • To participate in and monitor Research and Development programs to assure funding of projects with the greatest value to state/tribal programs.


  • Steve Fluke, President

    Steve Fluke, Utah


  • Don Newton, Wyoming

    Vice President

  • Lesa Baker, Virginia


Past Officers

Year Elected President Vice President Secreatry/Treasurer
2023 Dustin Morin, AL Steve Fluke, UT Don Newton, WY
2022 Benny McCament, OH Dustin Morin, AL Steve Fluke, UT
2021 Jeff Graves, CO Benny McCament, OH Dustin Morin, AL
2020 Susan Kozak , IO Jeff Graves, CO Benny McCament, OH
2019 Travis Parsons, WV Susan Kozak , IO Jeff Graves, CO
2018 Autumn Coleman, MT Travis Parsons, WV Susan Kozak , IO
2017 Robert Scott, KY Autumn Coleman, MT Travis Parsons, WV
2016 Justin Ireys, AK Robert Scott, KY Autumn Coleman, MT
2015 Chuck Williams - AL Justin Ireys - AK Robert Scott - KY
2014 Eric Cavazza - PA Chuck Williams - AL Justin Ireys - AK
2013 Bruce Stover - CO Eric Cavazza - PA Chuck Williams - AL
2012 Todd Coffelt - IA Bruce Stover - CO Eric Cavazza - PA
2011 Madeline Roanhorse - Navajo Nation Todd Coffelt - IA Bruce Stover - CO
2010 Mike Garner - MD Madeline Roanhorse - Navajo Nation Todd Coffelt - IA
2009 Mike Garner - MD Madeline Roanhorse - Navajo Nation Todd Coffelt - IA
2008 Steve Herbert - IN Mike Garner - MD Madeline Roanhorse - Navajo Nation
2007 Loretta Pineda - CO Steve Herbert - IN Mike Garner - MD
2006 John Husted - OH Loretta Pineda - CO Steve Herbert - IN
2005 Mark Mesch - UT John Husted - OH Loretta Pineda - CO
2004 Steve Hohmann - KY Mark Mesch - UT Loretta Pineda - CO
2003 Steve Hohmann - KY Mark Mesch - UT Walter Cartwright - AL
2002 Murray Balk - KS Steve Hohmann - KY Mark Mesch - UT
2001 Bill Guyette - AL Murray Balk - KS Steve Hohmann - KY
2000 Pat Park - WV Bill Guyette - AL Murray Balk - KS
1999 Pat Park - WV Bill Guyette - AL Murray Balk - KS
1998 Bob Evetts - NM Mark Rhodes - TX John Husted - OH
1997 Ernie Giovannitti - PA Bob Evetts - NM John Husted - OH
1996 Stan Barnard - WY Ernie Giovannitti - PA Mike Kastl - OK
1995 Vic Andersen - MT Stan Barnard - WY Mike Kastl - OK
1994 Paul Rothman - KY Vic Anderson - MT Stan Barnard - WY
1993 Tim Hickmann - IL Paul Rothman - KY Stan Barnard - WY
1992 Dave Hogeman - PA Tim Hickmann- IL n/a
1991 Dan Schuette - MO Tim Hickmann - IL n/a
1990 Dave Bucknam - CO Dan Schuette - MO n/a
1989 Mary Ann Wright - UT Dave Bucknam - CO n/a
1988 Roger Williams - VA Mary Ann Wright - UT n/a
1987 Bob Baker - OH Roger Williams - VA n/a
1986 Gary Beach - WY Bob Baker - OH n/a
1985 Mike Kastl - OK Dave Hogeman - PA n/a
1984 Sue Massie - IL Mike Kastl - OK n/a
1983 David Holm - CO Sue Massie - IL n/a
1982 Dave Rosenbaum - KY Robert Clark - MO n/a

Member State and Tribe Contact Information