Title IV of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 (SMCRA) established the national Abandoned Mine Land (AML) Reclamation Program under the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement (OSMRE), U.S. Department of the Interior. The program was developed to reclaim land and water resources adversely affected by past coal mining and left abandoned or inadequately restored. SMCRA levied fees on active coal mining to pay the reclamation costs. Collected fees are deposited in the AML Fund. Once the national program had been established, Congress authorized states and tribes to implement their own programs. The programs are funded through grants from OSMRE, which receives funding from the AML Fund through the regular congressional budget and appropriations process.
As the programs developed, the states/tribes realized it would be beneficial to join together to accomplish common goals and objectives related to the reclamation of abandoned mine lands. Also, cooperation, coordination, and communication between the states/tribes and the federal government needed to be improved. In March 1983 the states/tribes met in St. Louis, Missouri, and organized an informal association.
The states and tribes voted to formalize the Association and by-laws were adopted January 27, 1993. The National Association of Abandoned Mine Land Programs was registered as a nonprofit corporation on January 4, 1995, in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
The mission of the Association is as follows:
To provide a forum to address current issues, discuss common problems, and share new technologies regarding the reclamation of abandoned mine lands.
To foster positive and productive relationships between the states and tribes represented by the Association and the federal government.
To serve as an effective, unified voice when presenting states/tribes common viewpoints.
To coordinate, cooperate, and communicate with the Interstate Mining Compact Commission, Western Interstate Energy Board, and all other organizations dedicated to the wise use and restoration of our natural resources.
Membership is open to any state or tribe; individual memberships are not offered. Voting is limited to one vote per member. Members that do not have OSMRE-funded reclamation activities within their geographic boundaries will be required to abstain from voting on OSMRE grant or SMCRA-related issues. The voting membership is comprised of 30 states and 3 tribes.
The officers of the Association are the president, vice president, and secretary/treasurer. The officers are elected by the members for a one-year term and are limited to two consecutive terms in the same office.
Each year a conference, with a business session and technical/administrative sessions, is held, generally in the early fall. It is hosted by a member state/tribe on a rotating basis. A two-day business meeting is usually held during the winter and is also hosted by a member state/tribe.
The goals and objectives of the Association are as follows:
To maintain adequate, stable, and predictable funding for state/tribal reclamation programs.
To monitor OSMRE administration of state and federal reclamation programs.
To act as a clearinghouse on congressional and other federal actions affecting state/tribal programs to maximize the educational awareness and knowledge base of each member.
To take an active leadership role in the development of program and new regulations that benefit the membership.
To participate in and monitor Research and Development programs to assure funding of projects with the greatest value to state/tribal programs.
Steve Fluke, Utah
Don Newton, Wyoming
Vice President
Lesa Baker, Virginia
Past Officers
Year Elected | President | Vice President | Secreatry/Treasurer |
2023 | Dustin Morin, AL | Steve Fluke, UT | Don Newton, WY |
2022 | Benny McCament, OH | Dustin Morin, AL | Steve Fluke, UT |
2021 | Jeff Graves, CO | Benny McCament, OH | Dustin Morin, AL |
2020 | Susan Kozak , IO | Jeff Graves, CO | Benny McCament, OH |
2019 | Travis Parsons, WV | Susan Kozak , IO | Jeff Graves, CO |
2018 | Autumn Coleman, MT | Travis Parsons, WV | Susan Kozak , IO |
2017 | Robert Scott, KY | Autumn Coleman, MT | Travis Parsons, WV |
2016 | Justin Ireys, AK | Robert Scott, KY | Autumn Coleman, MT |
2015 | Chuck Williams - AL | Justin Ireys - AK | Robert Scott - KY |
2014 | Eric Cavazza - PA | Chuck Williams - AL | Justin Ireys - AK |
2013 | Bruce Stover - CO | Eric Cavazza - PA | Chuck Williams - AL |
2012 | Todd Coffelt - IA | Bruce Stover - CO | Eric Cavazza - PA |
2011 | Madeline Roanhorse - Navajo Nation | Todd Coffelt - IA | Bruce Stover - CO |
2010 | Mike Garner - MD | Madeline Roanhorse - Navajo Nation | Todd Coffelt - IA |
2009 | Mike Garner - MD | Madeline Roanhorse - Navajo Nation | Todd Coffelt - IA |
2008 | Steve Herbert - IN | Mike Garner - MD | Madeline Roanhorse - Navajo Nation |
2007 | Loretta Pineda - CO | Steve Herbert - IN | Mike Garner - MD |
2006 | John Husted - OH | Loretta Pineda - CO | Steve Herbert - IN |
2005 | Mark Mesch - UT | John Husted - OH | Loretta Pineda - CO |
2004 | Steve Hohmann - KY | Mark Mesch - UT | Loretta Pineda - CO |
2003 | Steve Hohmann - KY | Mark Mesch - UT | Walter Cartwright - AL |
2002 | Murray Balk - KS | Steve Hohmann - KY | Mark Mesch - UT |
2001 | Bill Guyette - AL | Murray Balk - KS | Steve Hohmann - KY |
2000 | Pat Park - WV | Bill Guyette - AL | Murray Balk - KS |
1999 | Pat Park - WV | Bill Guyette - AL | Murray Balk - KS |
1998 | Bob Evetts - NM | Mark Rhodes - TX | John Husted - OH |
1997 | Ernie Giovannitti - PA | Bob Evetts - NM | John Husted - OH |
1996 | Stan Barnard - WY | Ernie Giovannitti - PA | Mike Kastl - OK |
1995 | Vic Andersen - MT | Stan Barnard - WY | Mike Kastl - OK |
1994 | Paul Rothman - KY | Vic Anderson - MT | Stan Barnard - WY |
1993 | Tim Hickmann - IL | Paul Rothman - KY | Stan Barnard - WY |
1992 | Dave Hogeman - PA | Tim Hickmann- IL | n/a |
1991 | Dan Schuette - MO | Tim Hickmann - IL | n/a |
1990 | Dave Bucknam - CO | Dan Schuette - MO | n/a |
1989 | Mary Ann Wright - UT | Dave Bucknam - CO | n/a |
1988 | Roger Williams - VA | Mary Ann Wright - UT | n/a |
1987 | Bob Baker - OH | Roger Williams - VA | n/a |
1986 | Gary Beach - WY | Bob Baker - OH | n/a |
1985 | Mike Kastl - OK | Dave Hogeman - PA | n/a |
1984 | Sue Massie - IL | Mike Kastl - OK | n/a |
1983 | David Holm - CO | Sue Massie - IL | n/a |
1982 | Dave Rosenbaum - KY | Robert Clark - MO | n/a |
Member State and Tribe Contact Information
Dustin Morin, AML Supervisor
Alabama Department of Labor, Inspections Division
649 Monroe Street, Room 2683
Montgomery, Alabama 36131
Justin Ireys, AML Program Manager
Division of Mining, Land and Water, Alaska Department of Natural Resources
550 W. 7th Ave., Suite 920
Anchorage, Alaska 99501
Phone: 907-269-8603
Email: justin.ireys@alaska.gov
ALTERNATE: Grace Petersen
Phone: 907-269-8553
Email: grace.petersen@alaska.gov
Erin Jordan, Section Manager
Arizona Department of Environmental Quality
1110 W. Washington Street
Phoenix, Arizona 85007
Phone: 609-509-0472
Email: jordan.erin@azdeq.gov
ALTERNATE: Laurie Swartzbaugh
Phone: 602-542-5971
Email: lswartzbaugh@asmi.az.gov
Kevin White, Technical Branch Manager
Office of Land Resources, Arkansas Department of Environmental Quality
5301 Northshore Drive
North Little Rock, Arkansas 72118-5317
Phone: 501-682-0990
Email: kwhite@adeq.state.ar.us
ALTERNATE: Clark McWilliams
Phone: 501-682-0510
Email: mcwilliamsc@adeq.state.ar.us
Lindsay Whalin, Supervisor of Mine Reclamation
California Department of Conservation, Division of Mine Reclamation
715 P Street, MS 1905
Sacramento, California 95814
ALTERNATE: Kyle Johnson, AMLU Program Manager
Email: kyle.johnson@conservation.ca.gov
Jeff Graves, Director
Inactive Mine Reclamation Program, Division of Reclamation, Mining and Safety, Department of Natural Resources
1313 Sherman Street, Room 215
Denver, Colorado 80203
Phone: 303-618-0850
Email: jeff.graves@state.co.us
Phone: 720-425-4122
Email: tara.tafi@state.co.us
Sylvan Covers Up, AML Director
P.O. Box 460
Crow Agency, Montana 59022
Phone: 406-638-2145 ext. 229
http://www.crow-nsn.gov/natural-resources-directory.htmlItem description
Email: sylvan.coversup@crow-nsn.gov
Keith Pahovama, Sr., Manager
Hopi AML Program
P.O. Box 123
Kykotsmovi, Arizona 86039
Phone: 928-734-7145
Email: Kpahovama@hopi.nsn.us
ALTERNATE: Dr. Carrie Joseph, DNR Manager
Email: CJoseph@hopi.nsn.us
Eric Wilson, Bureau Chief
Resource Protection and Assistance Bureau, Idaho Department of Lands
300 N. 6th Street, Suite 103
P.O. Box 83720
Boise, Idaho 83720-0050
Phone: 208-334-0261
Email: ewilson@idl.idaho.gov
Lance Range, Manager
Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Division, Office of Mines and Minerals, Department of Natural Resources
One Natural Resources Way
Springfield, Illinois 62702-1271
ALTERNATE: Bryan Johnsrud
Kit Turpin, Deputy Director AML
Division of Reclamation, Department of Natural Resources
14619 State Road 48 West
Jasonville, Indiana 47438
Phone: 812-665-2207
Email: cturpin@dnr.in.gov
Vince Sitzmann, Bureau Chief
Mines and Minerals Bureau, Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship
502 E. 9th Street
Des Moines, Iowa 50319
Phone: 515-281-6147
Email: vince.sitzmann@iowaagriculture.gov
ALTERNATE: David Suchan
Phone: 515-281-5347
Michael Worsley
Surface Mining Unit, Department of Health and Environment
4033 Parkview Drive
Frontenac, Kansas 66763
Phone: 620-231-8540
Email: Michael.Worsley@ks.gov
Phone: 620-231-8540
Jim Cable, Director
Division of Abandoned Mine Lands, Department of Natural Resources
300 Sower Blvd.
Frankfort, Kentucky 40601
Email: james.cable@ky.gov
ALTERNATE: Bill Overman
Phone: 502-782-6726
Danielle Duhe, Geologist
Office of Conservation Injection and Mining Division
617 N. Third Street
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70802
Phone: 225-342-7231
Email: danielle.duhe@la.gov
Michael Garner, Chief
Abandoned Mine Lands Division, Maryland Mining Program, Maryland Department of the Environment
160 South Water Street
Frostburg, Maryland 21532-2145
Phone: 301-689-1460
Phone: 301-689-1465
Email: tim.miller@maryland.gov
James Matheny, Director
Coal Mining Division, Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 2279
Jackson, Mississippi 39225-2279
Phone: 601-961-5519
Email: jmatheny@mdeq.ms.gov
Guy Frazier, Director
Land Reclamation Program, Missouri Department of Natural Resources
P.O. Box 176
Jefferson City, Missouri 65102
Phone: 573-751-4041
Email: guy.frazier@dnr.mo.gov
ALTERNATE: Austin Rehagen
Phone: 573-526-6980
Email: austin.rehagen@dnr.mo.gov
Bob Flesher, Senior Environmental Project Manager
Superfund, AML, and Construction Bureau
Montana Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 200901
Helena, Montana 59601
Phone: 406-444-6492
Email: bflesher@mt.gov
ALTERNATE: Jason Rappe
Phone: 406-444-6802
Email: Jason.rappe@mt.gov
Karen L. Bedonie, Department Manager III
Navajo AML/UMTRA Department
P.O. Box 1875
Window Rock, AZ 86515
Phone: 928-283-3188 (work cell)
Tuba City AML office: 928-283-3188
Window Rock AML Office
Phone: 928-871-6982
Shiprock AML Office
Phone: 505-368-1228
Email: karenbedonie@navajo-nsn.gov
ALTERNATE: Marietta Jensen, Program Project Specialist
Email: mjensen@navajo-nsn.gov
Robert Ghiglieri, Administrator
Nevada Division of Minerals
400 West King Street, Suite 106
Carson City, Nevada 89703
Phone: 775-291-7825
Email: rghiglieri@minerals.nv.gov
ALTERNATE: Sean Derby, Chief
Email: derby@minerals.nv.gov
Mike Tompson, Program Manager
Abandoned Mine Land Program, Mining and Minerals Division, New Mexico Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department
1220 S St. Francis Drive
Santa Fe, New Mexico 87505
Phone: 505-690-8063
Email: mike.tompson@emnrd.nm.gov
ALTERNATE: Lloyd Moiola
Phone: 505-629-3757
Email: lloyd.moiola@emnrd.nm.gov
New York
Psalm Wyckoff, PG
New York State Department of Environmental Protection
625 Broadway
Albany, New York 12233
Jonathan Emmer, Director
Reclamation and Abandoned Mine Lands Divisions, Public Service Commission
600 E. Boulevard Ave., Dept. 408
Bismarck, North Dakota 58505-0480
Phone: 701-328-4094
Email: jemmer@nd.gov
ALTERNATE: Matt Fischer, Assistant Director
Phone: 701-320-4979
Email: mjfischer@nd.gov
Marissa Lautzenheiser, AML Program Manager
Division of Mineral Resources Management, Department of Natural Resources
2207 Reiser Ave. SE
New Philadelphia, Ohio 44663
Phone: 614-867-3552
Email: marissa.lautzenheiser@dnr.ohio.gov
ALTERNATE: Benny McCament
Phone: 740-274-4947
Email: benny.mccament@dnr.ohio.gov
Trampas Tripp, Director
Land Management Division, Oklahoma Conservation Commission
2800 N. Lincoln Blvd., Suite 200
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73020
Phone: 918-441-2582
Email: trampas.tripp@conservation.ok.gov
Phone: 405-833-0648
Email: mike.sharp@conservation.ok.gov
ALTERNATE: Dianne Ireton
Phone: 405-882-8021
Email: dianne.ireton@conservation.ok.gov
Patrick Webb, Director
Bureau of Abandoned Mine Reclamation
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection
Cambria District Office
286 Industrial Park Road
Ebensburg, Pennsylvania 15931
Phone: 814-472-1830
Email: pawebb@pa.gov
ALTERNATE: Joseph Sassaman, Assistant Director
Phone: 717-503-4673
Email: jsassaman@pa.gov
Trevor Martin, Program Manager
Division of Mineral and Geologic Resources, Land Reclamation Section, Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation
3711 Middlebrook Pike
Knoxville, Tennessee 37921-6538
Phone: 865-207-8995
Email: trevor.martin@tn.gov
ALTERNATE: Brooke Erreger
Phone: 865-228-0286
Email: brooke.erreger@tn.gov
Katherine Upham, AML Program Manager
Surface Mining and Reclamation Division, Railroad Commission of Texas
P.O. Box 12967 Capitol Station
Austin, Texas 78711-2967
Phone: 512-939-6046
Email: katherine.upham@rrc.texas.gov
ALTERNATE: Joseph Parks, Director, Surface Mining and Reclamation Division
Phone: 512-939-4534
Email: joseph.parks@rrc.texas.gov
Steve Fluke, AML Program Manager (NAAMLP President)
Abandoned Mine Reclamation Program, Division of Oil, Gas, and Mining, Utah Department of Natural Resources
PO Box 145801
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5801
ALTERNATE: Dana Dean, Deputy Director - Mining
Phone: 801-538-5320
Email: danadean@utah.gov
Lesa C. Baker, AML Program Director (NAAMLP Secretary-Treasurer)
Virginia Department of Energy
3405 Mountain Empire Road
Big Stone Gap, Virginia 24219
Cell: 276-639-2857
Travis Parsons, Deputy Director
Office of Abandoned Mine Lands, West Virginia Deptartment of Environmental Protection
601 57th Steet, SE
Charleston, West Virginia 25304
Phone: 304-414-1185
Email: travis.g.parsons@wv.gov
ALTERNATE: Jonathan Knight, Planning Administrator
Phone: 304-848-2074
Email: Jonathan.L.Knight@wv.gov
Don Newton, Administrator (NAAMLP Vice President)
Abandoned Mine Land Division, Department of Environmental Quality
200 W 17th St. Suite 400
Cheyenne, Wyoming 82001
ALTERNATE: David C. Pendleton, PE